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3 Ways to Leverage Your Life (and Business) as a Philanthropist

Dedicate some time, lend an ear, and offer nonjudgmental advice...that's what mentoring is all about.

Whether we are an adult or a child, all of us can benefit from mentoring. Today, I will share three ways you can become a philanthropist and how it can help leverage your life and business.

As a woman entrepreneur for over 40 years, I have experienced success on a level that most may never experience. I have won trips, earned six-figure income, traveled around the country, celebrated with family and friends, and purchased (or given) most of my wants and desires. However, my greatest joy has come from helping others by becoming a philanthropist and giving back to women and girls!

Advocate for What You are Passionate About

When you are passion about what you do, you will do what you love for FREE! You will do it every day, even on your worst days!

I never realized how passionate I was about supporting women and girls until I was told in "a matter of a fact” way by my high school boyfriend. He said, "JoAnn, you have always been an advocate for females." As I pondered that statement, I realized I had been a philanthropist for over 40 years. It began when I was 10 years old in the fifth grade. I was a tutor to a second-grade girl who was struggling in reading. One of my fondest and most memorable moments were sitting outside on a bench reading to her and seeing the joy on her face as I read. That's what lead to the second way to become a philanthropist, mentoring.

Become a Mentor/Volunteer

People have always been drawn to me. When I meet people, before either of us realize it, the person I am in conversation with has told me their story or asked for advice.  Prior to becoming an educator, I volunteered with Girl Scouts for over 15 years. The service unit (the local branch during that time) gave me the LOVE plaque because I spent time bringing women together to support the girls on ALL troop levels.  Shortly afterwards, Essence of a Lady was founded with me and over 20 women. Again, as a pioneer of a women entrepreneur social club, we gathered in each other's home to socialize to mentor girls and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Now, after having mentoring programs in approximately 10 schools in three states, we have provided mentoring support to thousands of girls with over 400 women philanthropists. Now, we have a culminating event called the FEMALES are FABULOUS Conference each year to recognize to women philanthropists who support girls as mentors, sponsors, or supporters. Additionally, we recognize women entrepreneurs who donate scholarships to graduating seniors. Which is the third way of becoming a philanthropist... as a sponsor or donor.

Become a Sponsor or Donor

Essence of a Lady has been in existence over 32 years. For most of its existence, we relied on private donations from community, state, and national agencies, local businesses, and nonprofit organizations.

I am a living testament to biblical verses and sayings, such as "sow a seed," "it’s better to give than receive," "give and it will be given back to you 100-fold" Why? Because of giving to women and girls through Girl Scouts, school PTA/PTOs, Homeowners Associations, and the church, I was able to establish a network of support from people who appreciated how I have supported others in the past and decided to support this worthwhile effort.

By advocating, mentoring, and becoming a sponsor or donor, your philanthropic efforts will put YOU and your BUSINESS in the spotlight and allow others to step forward to support you because they will know your heart is in the right place. In the end you will LEVERAGE your life and business. Then, you will have the opportunity to enjoy life because you are doing what you are PASSIONATE about and LOVING IT!

Originally posted Thursday, September 12, 2013 on

For more information on how you can share your wisdom on our Females are Fabulous platform, go to Essence of a Lady, Inc to become a philanthropist; then go to Females are Fabulous to share your story of success with the world.

Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott is a professor who provides instruction for graduate students in writing and public speaking, publisher of blogs and magazines, and philanthropist to nonprofits and community organizations. Her goal is to create a community of entrepreneurs providing products and services to each other in one place. You may reach her at Twitter:  @ELadiesNetwork  Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn or @DrJoAnnAjayiScott




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