Mentoring adolescents is an important way in which communities seek to promote prosocial behavior among youth. Mentoring programs address a number of social issues including encouraging youth to finish high school, break the cycle of poverty, and avoid or delay drug and alcohol use. Perhaps the best-known mentorship strategies are formalized relationships initiated by nonprofit organizations. In these formal mentorship programs, mentees and mentors volunteer to participate and are given explicit program-related expectations regarding the frequency, duration, and content of their interactions. In many cases, the “fit” between mentors and mentees is measured as well as the youth outcomes are evaluated and reported.
By reading this post, you will see how natural mentoring is good for all youth.
American Journal of Community Psychology. (n.d.). Natural mentoring is good for all youth. Community Psychology: Social Justice Through Collaborative Research and Action. Retrieved December 7, 2022, from
As Essence of a Lady's Mission is to Educate, MENTOR, and Empower youth, specifically school-age girls and boys, to develop leadership, career, and social skills for successful transition from high school to college or entrepreneurship through the philanthropic support of adults through developmental programs, field trips, and special events!!
For over 33 years, Essence of a Lady has supporting youth and women to help them gain maximum health and wealth through programs and business support!
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