Mentoring teaches young people that they are essential, that they are not alone, and that someone cares about them. Mentorship can provide inner fulfillment in addition to exterior benefits such as recognition. Mentoring benefits both mentees and mentors on multiple levels.
By reading this post, you will see the positive impact of mentoring on mental health.
Cronin, N. (2022, February 3). The positive impact of mentoring on mental health. The Positive Impact of Mentoring on Mental Health | Guider Blog. Retrieved December 6, 2022, from
As Essence of a Lady's Mission is to Educate, MENTOR, and Empower youth, specifically school-age girls and boys, to develop leadership, career, and social skills for successful transition from high school to college or entrepreneurship through the philanthropic support of adults through developmental programs, field trips, and special events!!
For over 33 years, Essence of a Lady has supporting youth and women to help them gain maximum health and wealth through programs and business support!
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#feelinglistend #hope #positiveoutlook #optimistic #encourage #motivation
#happines #mindset #goodmentor #mentoring #support #essenceofalady
#womenbuildingwealth #womenbuildingacademy
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