“I want to be a millionaire!” This is a statement that transcends race, culture, gender and age. However, the question is, “Are you willing to use the proven strategies to have that millionaire status?” The amazingly fabulous thing about it is, it is within your reach. Here, I share 3 proven strategies to help you build generational wealth and get you on the road to become a millionaire within one year! For almost ten years, I have studied entrepreneurial women who participated in my “Females are Fabulous Empowerment Conference” who have become millionaires. These women are no different than you and I, except they created a plan and followed it. Now, I have created three strategies that have me on track to be a millionaire in 2022. My goal is to bring 1000 women with me. All may not make it in 2022 with me, but those that do will be provided a platform to share their journey with others. We will bring in 2023 as millionaires in New York City! Here are the three strategies. NAME I...