This Fabulous Female introduces Essence of a Lady's Black History Month Celebration What an emotionally and mentally charged program we had at Essence of a Lady's Black History Month Virtual Celebration!! We had youth Emcees, great youth, parent, and supporters' attendance and participation! We learned the most important wealth is our mental health, how a childhood experiences can determine the trajectory of our life and how black women right here in Jacksonville, Florida are making history now and in the past!! Also, we heard first hand experience of how black history is our history and how it affects us daily!! Additionally, we want to say THANK YOU to all of our Philanthropic Speakers Whitney Harper Cooley, Counsel and Psychotherapist Gary Thomas, President, Martin Luther King Memorial Foundation Warren Jones, Duval School Board Trustee & Past City Councilman, Jacksonville, Florida Katrina Williams, Retired Veteran and Entrepreneur Youth Speaker : Jackili...